
Showing posts from December, 2020

Shot Blasting Machine

Shot Blasting Machine Shot blasting machine is utilized in almost every industry that uses metal such as the aerospace industry, construction industry, automotive industry, foundry industry, rail industry, shipbuilding & many more. Shot Blasting machines are used to clean, induce strength also known as shot peening / polishing the metal surfaces. Now let’s known more about shot blasting machines. Shot blasting machine's technique is used for the removal of contaminated particles from surfaces. These contaminated particles are the main problem of deteriorating the material. Shot blasting is a process by which abrasive material is used with high pressure. With high pressure. In the shot blasting process, a centrifugal force technique is used. Shot blasting technique is used commonly used for removing rust from the surface, removing old paint from the surface. The shot blasting process is an important step when we are working in construction, metal industry because until the s

Sand Blaster (SB P7 500 & 500R)

aqasandblaster (SB P7 500 & 500) or mobile  sandblasting  equipment has medium-sized blasting pot (500kg) thus also known as portable sandblasters (SB P7 500 & 500) &  portable sandblasting  units. It is having a moderate cleaning rate. sandblasters (SB P7 500 & 500)  machine has two modes, One is On / Off by Remote Control & Deadman Handle and the other is on / off manually. When Operators want to off the machine then it leaves the deadman handle, then depressurizes the portable sandblaster (SB P7 500 & 500). If the operator wants to on mobile sandblasting equipment then he presses the deadman lever then Pressurization occurs into  the  portable  sandblasting   units. Leaver is located near the nozzle so it can easily handle it. It is also known as blasting pot, sandblaster hopper as it can simply move from one site to another.  Portable Sand Blasters’ (SB P7 500 & 500) medium capacity is low cost at maximum working time

Portable Sand Blasting Machine

    Portable Sand Blasting Machine The portable Type Sand Blasting Machine  has efficiently been used on glass, ceramics, stone, metal, and plastic also. The portable sandblasting machine is safe, high productivity systems created for a large number of surface preparations using a wide range of abrasive media. Debarring, De-flashing, and stress removing on any particular metal. The pressure vessels are tested to 250 PSIG and coded. The portable type sandblasting machine works on the pressure blasting principle, consist of a blast generator, and its pressure vessels are tested to 250 PSIG. when the  Portable Sand Blasting machine  is not working and the blast storage tank is not pressurized the abrasives can be filled at the top of the machine at the same time the vibrating sieve is provided to sieve the abrasive-filled in the machine. Along with it, the mushroom valve is down then abrasive will get transferred to blast storage tank and these valves will get up, when abrasive stor